The best way to think of Salesforce certification is to link them to the job role you are welling to work as. Salesforce  certifications are classified mainly into Admin, Developer, Designer, and Architect.

If you are welling to to have a career in Salesforce, the good news is that Salesforce ecosystem is rich and diverse and for sure you have a place that that you can fit in. On the other hand, Salesforce certification is essential to build a career in Salesforce.

In order to start a career in Salesforce, we recommend that you start with the following two certification: Salesforce Administrator and Platform Developer I.

Salesforce Administrator

One of the old Salesforce certification and very popular. Salesforce admin certificate is an excellent choice and a good investment for your time and money because of the following reasons:

  • Salesforce admin certificate is rich of information about Salesforce platform and it is the best way to learn about Salesforce system from inside.
  • Salesforce admin certificate is a prerequisite for many other high value Salesforce certification such as Sales Cloud Consultant, Service Cloud Consultant, and Non-Profit Cloud Consultant.
  • Salesforce admin role is on high and continuous demand where it is easier to find a job.


Platform Developer I

Platform Developer I is a good choice for you if you are welling to work as a Salesforce Developer. By studying for Salesforce Platform Developer I, you will learn Salesforce declarative and programing tools to extend Salesforce functionality. You will learn how to program on Salesforce platform using Apex programming language.

Platform Developer I certification is a good start for your Salesforce developer career especially if you are welling to work with a Salesforce development team.

Where to Start?

The first step to start your Salesforce career is to become certified, to earn your first Salesforce certification you need to start on trailhead, the fun way to learn Salesforce.

The good news that you are not alone, PathTech team is ready to provide you with advise on how to start. 

Salesforce Training on Trailhead



Salesforce certification is essential to advance Salesforce career, the best two certifications to start with are Salesforce Admin and Platform Developer I. If you are not a developer then Salesforce Admin is your best choice, however, if you are a developer and want to boost your career, it is recommended to earn both certification.

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